Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Random Thought

I am currently in a women's Bible study at church.  My assignment for the last week was concentrating on Jesus Christ being the center of my life and Lord of my life.  It suggested that "just for today" I let Him be Lord and center of my life.  I thought, one day. Are you kidding me? One day, that's it! I can do just about anything for one day.  Oh, I can trust Jesus completely for 24 hours.  I can not be anxious for 24 hours, eww, umm, wait!  Do you mean not worrying or being anxious about tomorrow or next week, or next year?  I can try, I guess.  Matthew 6:34 MSG, says it like this: "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."  Pondering these words "just for today" and the aforementioned scripture got me thinking...maybe that's it! Perhaps, it is not about planning out the next 10 years, or 5 years, or even the next 6 months! It is about what God is showing me and revealing to me right now, right in this moment, in this day.  He loves us so much he wants us present for the live show.  We don't have to watch the black and white re-runs or wonder what is coming.  All we have to do is focus on him for this day and everything else will fall in to place.  I realized that I have been spending all of my time anxiously(and excitedly) waiting for the next step in my life, but I am missing all the in-between stuff God wants to take the time to show me right now!  He is using this time to quiet and calm my spirit and showing me how to rest in His.  All of the vision He has given me will be accomplished because it's His vision to accomplish, not mine.  My family and I are on this journey of hope and love.  I don't know where it will take us or where we will go from here.  For those that know me well, you know, this is a huge leap of faith for the girl who ALWAYS has an itinerary.  I hope you can join me as we live it out and journal it here.  So, I ask you, will you join me as we live centered in God's will just for today? 

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Psalm 68:6

God places the lonely in families...