Thursday, October 13, 2011

Woman Stuff

This week in my quiet time God revealed some pretty concrete truths.  As a woman, I have some pretty important supporting roles for my husband.  (Disclaimer: If you are a modern woman or a self-proclaimed women's lib-er, you should excuse yourself now, cause this is not going to be a bra-burning, women rule the world kind of thought.)

It all started with Proverbs 11:22  "A beautiful woman who lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout." Now, I have to tell you my husband has been hunting hogs in North  East Texas and sent me a picture of a 192 pound piggy he shot this week.  It is anything but beautiful!  I can't stop thinking of the two contrasting images.  A beautiful woman and this ugly animal with a gold ring in its nose rolling in the mud! Furthermore, I know what discretion means...but do I really?  So, I went to my trusty, ole' dictionary.  Turns out, I do know, but now I have a greater understanding.  Webster's defines discretion as: "the quality of having or showing discernment or good judgment : the quality of being discreet : circumspection; especially : cautious reserve in speech."

Instantly, I thought of the beauty industry.  I thought of the piles of magazines that crowd my end tables and mailbox teaching me how to be beautiful.  Only by the world's standards.  To be beautiful to the Lord, I must be discreet and display good judgment.  1 Peter 3:4 tells us: "You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."  Don't get me wrong, I love make-up, the latest anti-aging regiments, and fashion as much as the next gal, but without God's definition of beauty I might as well be a pig in the mud, because much like the waste of gold so is all of that beauty seeking!

Ok, so I said truths(this pill is a little tougher to swallow)...the following day, in Proverbs 12:4, I realize God is not done talking to me about my job as a woman.  The Amplified Bible says it like this: "A virtuous and worthy wife [earnest and strong in character] is a crowning joy to her husband, but she who makes him ashamed is as rottenness in his bones."

Ouch!  Ladies, if we are bringing shame to our husband's because we are not "earnest and strong in character" we are rotting his bones!  Fellow women, we are killing our men, just by our character!  Immediately, I thought of all the stress my husband deals with in a day; the taxing pressure to always be at the top of his game.  Am I part of his stress, due to my sinful character?  Moreover, I thought what if we, Christ-following women,  just considered what he goes through in a day.  How many of you have had the opportunity to work with your husband?  How many have actually followed him around like a shadow or had a bird's eye-view of his professional life?  I have done it.  I have seen the kind of days my husband experiences and I must say, I am impressed.  I am impressed that he ever goes back the following day, let alone years!  I am impressed that he comes home and promotes me and our children.  I am impressed that he helps around the house, at all, let alone ever chips in without being asked!  Now, I can hear the cries and moans about babies and endless laundry and chauffeuring your little charges; yes, being a woman and a mom is hard work. On the contrary, perhaps, your husband does not engage with you when he comes home.  Equally, he never sings your paises or lends a helping hand.  As a result, he leaves you feeling empty and lonely.  I sympathize.  That is a huge issue for a marriage. Although it may be hard, I ask you to pray for him and pray for yourself to see him with new eyes.  Yes, that's my advice, but don't take on too much. Try it, just for today.  Because remember, Matthew 6:34, "So don't worry anout tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."  Likewise, consider what Philippians 2 commands us: "Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.  Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.  In addition, if we are women of virtue we get to be his crowning glory! (Talk about Trophy Wife!!)  Maybe just maybe, this will be beautiful to our husbands as well.  I leave you this image and thought: will you choose true beauty and virtue or will you be as wasteful as pig adorned with gold?  Try it, just for today!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Random Thought

I am currently in a women's Bible study at church.  My assignment for the last week was concentrating on Jesus Christ being the center of my life and Lord of my life.  It suggested that "just for today" I let Him be Lord and center of my life.  I thought, one day. Are you kidding me? One day, that's it! I can do just about anything for one day.  Oh, I can trust Jesus completely for 24 hours.  I can not be anxious for 24 hours, eww, umm, wait!  Do you mean not worrying or being anxious about tomorrow or next week, or next year?  I can try, I guess.  Matthew 6:34 MSG, says it like this: "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."  Pondering these words "just for today" and the aforementioned scripture got me thinking...maybe that's it! Perhaps, it is not about planning out the next 10 years, or 5 years, or even the next 6 months! It is about what God is showing me and revealing to me right now, right in this moment, in this day.  He loves us so much he wants us present for the live show.  We don't have to watch the black and white re-runs or wonder what is coming.  All we have to do is focus on him for this day and everything else will fall in to place.  I realized that I have been spending all of my time anxiously(and excitedly) waiting for the next step in my life, but I am missing all the in-between stuff God wants to take the time to show me right now!  He is using this time to quiet and calm my spirit and showing me how to rest in His.  All of the vision He has given me will be accomplished because it's His vision to accomplish, not mine.  My family and I are on this journey of hope and love.  I don't know where it will take us or where we will go from here.  For those that know me well, you know, this is a huge leap of faith for the girl who ALWAYS has an itinerary.  I hope you can join me as we live it out and journal it here.  So, I ask you, will you join me as we live centered in God's will just for today? 

Psalm 68:6

God places the lonely in families...