Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday

As many get ready to gather for some fun watching the pigskin, I cannot help but think of the many women and children who have been exploited this weekend.  That's right, Super Bowl Sunday is one of the worst times for human trafficking victims.  I am sick.  I don't know what happened to me.  For years, I've watched this game and enjoyed it and not worried someone was being hurt due to the hoopla surrounding it.  I also thought prostitutes, by definition, could only be adult women who, by whatever the circumstance, chose their professions.  Now, my eyes and ears don't seem to be my own anymore.  And you know what dear reader?  I am glad for it.  As much as one would think it would be nice to turn a blind eye or a deaf ear, I think I am better off.  Ignorance is not bliss; ignorance is death. 

For awhile now, Micah 6:8 has been stuck in my head: "No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."  I never realized when God opened my heart to the global orphan crisis that He would be opening my mind to the injustices of slavery.  Growing up in modern times and white, slavery has never been more than something evil in a history book and a shameful existence in my ancestors' pasts. It did  not really effect me.  Before, it was simple, it is wrong and in the past.  However, present-day me, realizes that there are more enslaved TODAY than any other time in history and it's growing!  Moreover, I contribute to it in so many ways. For instance, much of American lifestyle comes at the expense of an impoverished person or people somewhere in an underdeveloped area of the world.  How, you ask?  They make our clothes, toys, food, uh, my Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod.  Ugh, seriously, those hurt!  But, I am telling y'all, it is even over coffee.  I know what you are thinking: Don't-even-start-messing-with-my-awesome-Nantucket-Blend!  No, really, People, many suffer for us to enjoy our favorite coffee brands! 

I know it seems impossible to stop.  This is the 2nd largest crime industry behind drugs, after all.  It is a 9.5 billion dollar a year money-maker.  However, our God is BIG and He does BIG things!  Luke 1:37 says, "For nothing is impossible with God."  We have a great opportunity here to bring change.  We need to educate ourselves on the subject and to become aware of the products we use.  I am not trying to be a hypocrite here...I literally could send this message out from my iPhone or iPad!  Ouch!  I am saying we have to put behind us the days of being cattle-herded consumers and PAY ATTENTION!   

With this in mind, I came across this great article  Please, take the time to read it.  It has some great information.  It offers some great educational tips.  Also, you can visit these websites if you are in need of commodities:

Together we can make a difference!  I don't really care who wins the Superbowl tonight, but I do pray, in The Hope, that the most vulnerable and most marginalized of the world are protected and safe tonight! 

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Psalm 68:6

God places the lonely in families...