It's February, the month of love. The stores are bursting at the seams with red and pink decorations. The jewelry commercials are literally on in every-other-one-increments. Normally, I boycott Valentine's Day. I think it's crap, to be completely candid. I think it just another way for big marketing to make people think they have to spend money. A way for those with to show up those without. It's disgusting. In addition, I don't like these holidays: mother's day/father's day; Saint Patrick's Day; or Halloween. I am pretty sure the Bible says, "honor your mother and father," not just the second Sundays of May and June. What the heck is St. Patrick's Day anyway? And really all year, I tell my children Stranger Danger, now tonight let's go get candy from them. Ick! Harley loves me and hates me for this. I know it sounds like I am a stick. in. the. mud. I know! It gets worse, I don't even do Easter Baskets for my kids! Uh, gasp, the horror! That's right folks, no Easter bunnies here! But, I digress!
As I normally try to avoid all things Cupid this month, today in my Bible Study reading God's Word, I got smacked right up side my head with a couple of very undeniable facts God is extremely clear on his idea of what is love. When put to that test, my grade was an epic fail! I don't love well. I love poorly. Very poorly, in fact. Even those that are easy to love, the ones I naturally love. I was seriously brought to tears in repentance.
Honestly, people, there is a whole world culture out there to tell us what love looks like, feels like, and it's all about what we are getting out of it! The world's idea of love is feeling and emotion and completely selfish. God's love is undeniably selfless and covered in humility. It is evident in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 when Paul writes, "Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." I know if anyone has ever been to a wedding or in church for longer than 6 months they have probably heard these words before. However, I am hear to tell you it is a whole different ballgame when you put someones face in your mind and ask yourself questions regarding these statements.
Try it:
Picture someone(your spouse, your friend, your kids, your enemy, someone you just do not get along with)
Then ask yourself these questions:
1. Am I patient with this person?
2. Am I kind to this person?
3. Am I ever jealous of this person?
4. Am I ever boastful or proud around this person?
5. Am I ever rude to this person?
6. Do I ever demand my way?
7. Am I ever irritable with this person?
8. Do I ever hold grudges against this person?
9. Am I glad when this person fails?
10. Am I happy when this person is successful no matter the circumstance?
Now, remember, God's law is perfect. So, these are always and never situations! Oh my goodness, everyone of us should fail! Thankfully, everyday I can draw nearer to The One whose love is unfailing and is eternal and learn to love as I should! I hope these words stick with you as they have with me during this month of hearts and Cupid. They are life-changing and more useful than being a reading at wedding ceremony!
P.S. I was so traumatized by my failure to love like Christ that it took me awhile to even see past my failure. But Christ is full of mercy and grace. He doesn't long to see us linger in our failures. He wants repentance and to become our focus. It is how we going from a failing love to an enduring one! Happy Love Month!
Powerful stuff, Love! I often have to step back and rethink my journey down Loves path. That being, when I do not measure up to any given components of Love, how much of myself is hindering growth. Many times my hindrance is that I'm not humbled enough. The need to take self out of the picture and refocus on my God.